Search Results | counties of kentucky

Your search for "counties of kentucky" returned 73 results

The True Story of the Blue People of Kentucky

The Fugates and the Combses lost the genetic lottery, as both shared a rare trait that made their skin blue. What happened to the blue people of Kentucky?

The Mastodon Boneyard That Stole Thomas Jefferson’s Heart

Massive mastodons roamed lower Kentucky during the last ice age. HowStuffWorks takes a look at the natural and presidential history of the region.

How Prohibition Worked

Prohibition was a constitutional amendment banning the sale and production of alcohol in the U.S. HowStuffWorks looks at prohibition and why it failed.

What Fueled the Famous Feud Between the Hatfields and McCoys?

The Hatfield and McCoy family names are recognized for one thing: fighting for decades. But what were they so angry about and why so many years of feuding?

How to Find Out If You Have a Warrant

Do you know how to find out if the court has a warrant out for your arrest? HowStuffWorks explains all you need to know if you have a warrant.

Can You Guess Which State These Iconic Barbecue Dishes Are From?

There's a lot more to good barbecue than putting meat over an open flame and hoping for the best. If you think you're a pitmaster than see if you can tell us where all these iconic BBQ dishes call home!

Taking Up Two Parking Spaces Is Clearly Horrible, But May Not Be Illegal

Is it illegal for one car to take up two parking spaces? Learn more about the intricacies of this breach of parking etiquette on HowStuffWorks.

What Is Whiskey Fungus and Is it Dangerous?

Distilleries call this evaporative substance "angel's share" and promise that it's not dangerous, but nearby residents find it coating everything around them and aren't so sure.

Can You Get More Than 11 Right on This Difficult American Geography Quiz?

You won't only need to know the longest river in America, but you might need to know exactly how many U.S. states it touches. Yes! This American geography test is that deep. Now is your time to prove you are up to the challenge!

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